Take the Limits Off

When your sight is limited, so is your vision. Your vision will only go as far as you can see, as far as the situation you are in right now. When your vision is limited, so is your blessings. We are only blessed with those things that we believe are possible, if we are only depending on what we see, our beliefs are limited.

Your vision is the belief in something greater, something you can’t see in the physical sense. One definition for vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. When you only focus on things in front of you, you can’t have a vision for anything else. Sometimes our mountains are so big we can’t see around them so we get stuck believing that this is where we are supposed to be. You cannot see around so you can’t see what’s on the other side.

After every trail, tribulation, test, or setback there is always something on the other side. You have to expand your sight so that your vision can get bigger. Look past your current situation and see all the possibilities of tomorrow. Tonight, I am tired but tomorrow will be better. My debt is surmounting but I know if I keep managing what I have one day I will have more than enough. This house isn’t big enough for my family but one day soon we’ll have more than enough room. Tonight, I sit in this room alone but I know one day this room will be filled with love.

When you start speaking these words of faith, expanding your vision beyond your current situation you will start to see a change. The mountain will begin to crumble right in front of your face. In Habakkuk 2:2 it says write the vision and make it plain, so he may run who reads it. This means write out what you want your future to look like, what do you see? Do not complicate it with big words or long plans. Once it is written read it and then get to work. Start working toward those things you see in your future. You cannot pray for a husband and have a vision of your marriage and sit in your living room every day. It just doesn’t work like that.

God knows the plans he has for us; we just have to believe that all things are possible. Yes, all things. What are you facing today that you cannot see past? What is stopping you from getting the vision, from believing? Before I go, I want to leave you with one message; it will cost you nothing to believe but it will cost you everything if you don’t believe.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post just a much as I enjoyed writing it. If you care to share your thoughts please leave a comment in the section below.

A Word of Encouragement

I know at times the path seems unbearable, you really don’t know how much more you can take. You pray, yet there is no answer. You talk to friends but the can’t help, they really don’t understand.  If only this would happen or if only that would happen, I’ll be alright.

Your deliverance is on the way, things will work out for you. This feeling will subside; start waking up determined to do your best. Look for ways throughout the day where you can be a help to others. Start praying for other people. Take the focus off of your problems and put that effort into something positive.

In the process see what lessons need to be learned. Do you need to learn how to be quiet, to not be quick to react, to not spend your check as soon as it hit the bank? Do you need to learn how to love unconditionally, to put the needs of others before your own.

Ask God to reveal to you what you need to learn and where you can approve. You are not here by accident, there is a testimony after this test.

“The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” –Romans 8:18-

A Position of Surrender

Have you ever gotten to a point where you just can’t go on? You feel broken, confused, alone, and maybe even lost. Have you ever felt like you couldn’t take anymore, asking God why me? “Lord you said you would never put more on me then I could bear, I can’t take any more of this.” Have you ever just fallen to your knees and cried?

It is at this point, in this position, where you surrender all to God. It is at this point where the load is lightened. Most people view this position as a sign of weakness, but it is actually the strongest position you can be in. A position of surrender. Not surrendering to your circumstances, to the problems, to the addiction, to the loss but you are surrendering to God. In this position you lay everything at His feet.

God did say He would never put more on us than we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13) but at some point, we have to surrender it all to Him. We have to go to Him on our knees, hands raised to the heavens, and head bowed believing that his grace is sufficient. The moment we stop going to God with our tests, trails, and tribulations is the moment we decide we can solve our problems on our own. It is no longer He, putting things on us, but we are putting things on ourselves.

There is this gospel song that I love titled Be Blessed (Paul S. Morton). In this song he sings about praying and how God change things when we pray for one another. The surrendering is not the acceptance of defeat but the acceptance of victory through God. In our own strength we are not capable of changing things around but when we surrender and pray God steps in and lighten our load.

I want you to know that it is okay to give it to God, whatever “it” is. I promise you that once you surrender to God, He will change things.

No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it. -1 Corinthians 10:13- (NET Bible)

I Am Different

I am different, not like 2 Chains different, but I have changed. I am a different person.

Almost a year ago I decided to really follow God, I mean really follow. I decided to let go of my wants, desires, hopes, and dreams and follow his will for my life. I had a lot of hopes and big dreams but I realized none of what I wanted was important if I wasn’t living in the will of God. At first, I was fearful, I didn’t know what to expect. Would I be tested like Job, would I fall short of God’s glory, would I never live the life I desired, or would the devil come after my children (my biggest fear).

I knew with this new journey that I was about to embark on I was going to be tested, I just didn’t know what that looked like. On this journey I have lost so much but my attitude, as hard as it was, was it’s going to be okay God is control. Overtime I started to see a change, I feel conflicted when I curse, some of the things I use to enjoy irritates me, I work hard to have meaningful relationships, and I seek God in all I do. My conversations with God are different and I listen more for his voice.


With this journey came many other changes, I constantly seek God’s presence. I am constantly reading my bible so that I can better understand. I share my experiences no matter how crazy they may seem. When I say I know God and I love God I feel it now and I mean it. I worry less, stress less, and argue less because I know God is in control. He goes before me and make crooked places straight and he prepares a table before my enemies.

The biggest change that I experienced and the one that I cherish the most is with my faith. I used to say God can do the impossible because it sounded good, now I know without a shadow of a doubt that He can do the impossible, that he still performs miracles. I have so much faith in God it has become contagious, my children are believing that God is going to answer all our prayers. My husband no longer says if, but when. My friends believe. This is so amazing to me. My daughter, 7 years old, talks about God more than I do.

I am different, and it is amazing. I love what God is doing in my life and I pray he continues to use me. The journey was hard in the beginning, but it made me conscious of my behaviors and I have a joy and a peace that surpasses all understanding, and for that I am so grateful. I am human I have my days, but in those days, I feel God’s gentle correction and that is so special to me.

If you have had an experience with God that you would like to share, I would love to read about it in the comments below.

What am I doing?


Have you ever asked yourself this? What am I doing? No really, what am I doing?
I have asked myself this time and time again and you know what; I never had an answer. Not until recently anyways.

A few months ago, I asked myself this question because I was lost, confused, stressed, and worried. Everything I tried, failed. When I tell you, this is a terrible combination of feelings, they made me feel absolutely miserable. So, I stopped, and I asked myself “what am I doing?” The answer that I came to me was nothing, I wasn’t doing anything that was going to get me to where I was trying to go. I figured it out; figuring it out was absolutely amazing and yet extremely funny. Here I am worrying myself to death about things that are completely out of my control.

So often we try to fix everything, when all we have to do is take our hands off of it and put it in God’s hands. I am the type of person who act before I pray and then I pray God take what I started and make it work. Trust, faith, hope, and prayer does not work like this. I also pray that God do it on my timeline, what am I doing? Telling God what to do, that’s what I am doing.

I challenge you today to take everything that has you lost, confused, stressed, and worried and put it in God’s hands, believe me he can handle it a lot better than we can.

Bible verses to reflect on:

  • So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. -Matthew 6:34-
  • Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6-
  • Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. -Psalm 62:5-